80-20 Enters The Battle for Our College Bound
In a Board meeting last night, in a 13 to 2 vote, 80-20 resolves to file a amicus curiae (Friend of the Court) legal brief at the Supreme Court. It asks the Court
to support a merit-based college admission policy (based on
current scholastic achievement and evaluated future potential)
that does not discriminate against any race.
Why Now? Why Not Earlier?
- the composition of the Supreme Court has changed such that many legal experts are expecting the court to rule in favor of eliminating race as a factor in college admission.
- four Asian American organizations have filed amicus curiae supporting the current college admission policy.
- 80-20’s preliminary poll indicates that our community is against the current college admission policy in a 10 to 1 ratio.
- the college admission policy advocated by 80-20 will benefit the “college bound” of all races. Click on http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-unintended-consequences-of-racial-preferences/2011/11/29/gIQAbuoPEO_story.html.
How To Win This Battle? How You Can Help!
80-20 shall do whatever is necessary to greatly strengthen the impact of its legal brief including but not limited to:
- presenting the strongest legal brief
- presenting data relevant to the case that may not be well-known. For example, see the following % of Jewish students in some Ivy League schools:
Columbia 30%, Yale 27%, Harvard 25%, U Penn 25% Cornell 23%, and Brown 22%. There are twice as many Jewish students in elite schools as Asian Ams even though the Jewish Am. population is only 40% that of Asian Ams. Source: http://www.hillel.org/index
However, the prevailing college admission policy artificially places highly-qualified Asian Am. applicants to compete against each other rather than against the general pool of all applicants, instilling such a fear that many Asian Americans hide their own racial identity in application. Click on http://news.yahoo.com/asians-college-strategy-dont-check-asian-174442977.html.
- communicating with other Asian Am. orgs. whether they have filed for or against the plaintiff in this case. Asian Ams. must understand the need for political cohesiveness in order to have our voice heard.
- commissioning a formal national poll to find out the views of Asian Ams on this issue.
- Benefiting from community ideas. LET US HEAR FROM YOU.
Helps Our Children To Be Proud Of Their Ethnic Identity !
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Basic $35; Family $50; Student $15; Life Member $1,000.
Respectfully yours,
S. B. Woo, a volunteer for 80-20 PAC for 13 years & donated $100K