80-20 National Asian American Political Action Committee
May 26, 2019
- Bylaws Amendments;
- 80-20 PAC Endorsed Candidates;
- Difference between PACs and Super PACs; and,
- 80-20 PAC Facebook page
- Bylaws Amendments
The 80-20 PAC Board of Directors met on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 to vote on 8 items of Bylaws Revisions and Amendments. The Action Minutes are posted here: Read the minutes from 5/26/19.
These changes will have to be ratified by the general membership*.
(* An amendment shall be deemed approved, provided a majority of the members voting approve the amendment).
Members can vote here online.
- 80-20 Endorsed Candidates
80-20 National Asian American PAC was happy to announce our endorsement of two Candidates, both from Asian American community, Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard, through the 2020 Iowa and New Hampshire Primaries. Read the endorsements here.
We are delighted to report that both Andrew and Tulsi have qualified for the Presidential Debate under both of the following rules set by the Democratic party: A candidate either has to receive donations from 65,000 people (including 200 donors apiece in 20 states) or has to register 1 percent support in three polls.
Furthermore, Andrew Yang, a relatively unknown until recently has broken through the Top Ten in CNN’s ranking. That places him far ahead of sitting senators, governors, members of Congress, and former Cabinet members.
3) The differences between a PAC and a Super PAC
Recently, S B Woo has announced the formation of a Super PAC http://8020politicalpower.blogspot.com/. This action has added confusion to our supporters and may even split our support in the Asian American community.
A couple of years ago, S B Woo voluntarily resigned as the President of the 80-20 PAC (http://8020politicalpower.blogspot.com/2017/01/). Recently, he wants to regain control of the 80-20 PAC. Instead of abiding by the Bylaws or, negotiating for a win-win resolution, S B Woo has chosen to form a Super PAC, the function of which is somewhat ill-defined and redundant.
Nevertheless, there are important differences between the function of a PAC and a Super PAC as explained below:
Political Action Committee (PAC): a political committee that raises or spends more than $1,000 in a calendar year to influence the outcome of a federal election is required to register as a PAC with the Federal Election Commission (FEC). A PAC may accept a contribution of up to $5,000 per year from any individual. It may not accept union or corporate treasury funds. A multicandidate PAC may contribute up to $5,000 per election to a candidate and $15,000 to a party committee. It has no limit on the aggregate amount it may contribute.
80-20 PAC has a large number of members and life members and depends on the funds raised from them. 80-20 PAC can donate directly to candidates who represent the voices and interests of the Asian American community.
Super PAC: is also required to register with the FEC. “Super PAC” is the shorthand for what the FEC refers to as “independent expenditure-only” political committee. What differentiates a Super PAC is that it may accept unlimited contributions from any non-foreign source, including unions and corporations. It may spend unlimited amounts to influence the outcome of federal elections through independent expenditures. However, it may not contribute directly to any candidate, and it may not coordinate with any candidate’s campaign committee in making its expenditures.
A Super PAC has no members and it cannot donate directly to candidates, thus it represents special interest groups such as unions and corporations and a few rich donors.
4) Facebook Page for 80-20 PAC
Please visit our Facebook page to see the latest issues for Asian Americans: @8020pac.