Look at the table below, and you’ll know that we have more GROUP political clout today, thanks to you and 80-20’s drive for a bigger and bigger bloc vote. ALL data come from the NY Times.
With your support, a bloc vote led by 80-20 NAA PAC was delivered for Obama. Here’s the proof.
1. The NY Times Exit Poll: http://elections.nytimes.com/2012/results/president/exit-polls
NY Times Exit Poll
The data above was gathered from the NY Times
An astounding change of (47+24) = 71 points in favor of Dems, owing to the Republican Party’s stubborn refusal to share Asian Ams’ rightful concerns.
Our number is SMALL. The % of Asians, Hispanics and blacks in America’s electorate is 3%, 10% and 13% respectively. To compensate for our small size, we must have the ability to SWING. See numerical examples of how Asian Ams. could have helped Romney win the electoral college vote of FL and VA. Go to item 3) shown in here.
In reality, our bargaining power TRIPLES.
80-20 has been taught lessons by the Democrat Party & Asian Am officials, be they D or R. Regretfully, they often care for their interests only, instead of justice and/or equal opportunity. A SWING bloc vote is the only reliable protection for us. Elected Asian Am officials are by nature partisan first, their own constituents second, the interests of the Asian Am. community is at best a third to them. Some even betray our interests to protect their own political interests.
ii. Politico Exit Poll
A Bigger bloc vote than Hispanics for Obama!
Asian Ams 74.2 73
Hispanics 69.3 71
Politico: “And the president saw higher backing among Asian voters, who sided with him by a 49-point margin, 74 percent to 25 percent. The margin was 27 points in 2008.”
3. Bloomberg Article: “Asian Voters Send a Message to Republicans”
We delivered what we focused on! 80-20 focused on OH, VA and FL. We helped deliver all 3 to Obama!
Could we have made Romney President? ALMOST!
Had Romney promised to help make us equal citizens, we might have at least delivered VA and FL to him, assuming Asian Ams are politically mature enough to deliver a swing bloc vote since we want to be equal Citizens NOW!
4. LA Times Article: “Asian Americans overwhelmingly backed Obama, Democrats”
LA Times reported:
“Much has been made of the Latino vote and its crucial role in boosting President Obama to victory, but it was Asian Americans who made the most dramatic shift in support for the president Tuesday.” Gohttp://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-asian-americans-obama-election-20121108,0,2086805.story . Earlier, 80-20 reported to you similar coverage from CNN, all major channels, NPR/PBS, Politico and Bloomberg News.
Why is a BIGGER bloc vote by Asian Ams such a big deal?
Answer:“People in the know” know that once a minority acquires the political maturity to deliver a BIG bloc vote, it is on its way to become an equal partner in USA. Both Democrats & Republicans will compete to address our rightful concerns, that there is adequate political leadership within the Asian Am. community!
1. The 2008 Democratic primary in California
By now, 80-20 has grown even stronger. Again, questionnaires were sent to all presidential candidates prior to any primary election. Front runner Senator Hillary Clinton replied with all yeses while another front runner Senator Barack Obama had not. None of the Republican candidates replied. Therefore, 80-20 endorsed Senator Clinton in the CA primary and delivered a stunning 71/25 bloc vote according to the LA Times, and 3 to 1 according to the NY Times. (Note: Sen. Obama has since replied to our questionnaire with all yeses. Therefore, 80-20 is now neutral between Sen. Clinton and Sen. Obama.)
CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 (video) To watch the video, please click HERE.
NY Times Exit Poll
“On the Democratic side, the picture for Mrs. Clinton seemed equally clear; her support was widespread across the state and strong among the constituencies who have supported her in other states. For example, according to exit polls, Mrs. Clinton won Hispanic votes by a 2-to-1 margin over Barack Obama, and she won Asians by a 3-to-1 margin. Mr. Obama outpolled Mrs. Clinton among white Democrats and took 8 out of 10 African-American votes, while besting her among voters under the age of 30.” – The New York Times; February 6, 2008; Politics
To read the rest of the article, please click HERE.
Los Angeles Times Exit Poll
% of electorate
To view the full demographic profile of California voters, please click HERE.
Google Exit Poll
&qout;Exit polls after the California vote indicated Senator Clinton won 60 per cent of the Latino vote, and a disproportionate share – 70 per cent – of Asian voters.&qout;
– The Sydney Morning Herald; February 7, 2008; US Election
To read the rest of the article, please click HERE.