Glass Ceiling
To help you, the 80-20 Supporter, assimilate all the various information 80-20 has collected on the glass ceiling, this page will help you take in the basic info and guide you to other pages with further details.
1) The Lowest Glass Ceiling Compared with Other Groups
- EEOC confirmed 80-20’s data is “consistent” with their calculations
- Still the lowest glass ceiling using a method preferred by OFCCP of Dept of Labor
2) FAQ on “Subtle explanations” for the Glass Ceiling
3) 80-20 Actions to Break the Glass Ceiling
- In the Asian American community
- Full pages Ads
- Visits with the Editorial Board
- Press conference
- Within the General Society (under construction)
- Media
- Political Establishment
- Court
4) An existing law, Executive Order 11246, states the above should never have happened
- What is EO 11246?
- Was EO 11246 enforced to break the glass ceiling for APAs?
- Did a glass ceiling exist for black and women, and how did they pierce it?
- How Does Enforcement of E.O. 11246 benefit me?