80-20 PAC board meeting
March 21, 2020 6:00 – 7:30 PM central time

Members present:
Joel Wong, S K Lo, Ching-Chang Tsai, Munsup Seoh, Piyush Agrawal, Quynahn Tran, Alice Yi, Francine Ly, Fang Fang, Amy Mok and Kathleen To

Members absent: Jose Esteves, Tony Nakazawa and George Yang

1. Joel Wong proposed to have all our PAC members to be members of 80-20 United. Munsup Seoh moved to table and Amy Mok seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

2. C C Tsai moved and Kathleen To seconded to support Joel’s strategy to work with local organizations in swing states using matching funds to support the election of national Congressional candidates of the political party of the presidential candidate we support/endorse.

Motion passed. 10 Members voted for: Munsup Seoh, Quynhanh Tran, Piyush Agrawal, Joel Wong, Alice Yi, S K Lo, Franacine Ly, Fang Fang, CC Tsai and Kathleen To

Member abstained: Amy Mok

Kathleen To moved to adjourn and CC Tsai seconded. Passed with voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen To
80-20 PAC