Type of Meeting: Joint Conference call of both PAC and EF Boards; chaired by S. B. Woo through the authorization of PAC’s Executive Committee

Present: EF Board Members: Henry Lee, Jing-Li Yu, S. B. Woo, Kathleen To, Wei-jing Zhu, S. K. Lo and Larry Shen

PAC Board Members: Jing-Li Yu, Kathleen To, Ved Chaudhary, Piyush Agrawal, Joel Wong, Jose Esteves, George Yang, David Fan, and Tony Nakazawa

Staff: Stephen Lin and Pete Mauk

Excused:A lice Huang of the EF Board; Yueh-ting Lee of PAC’mBoard

The only actionable item was described in Woo’s email of 5:03 pm Aug. 30, 2017 to Board members. It is to agree upon the talking points of a potential press release in reaction to the the letter sent to AG Sessions and Sec.of DoEDDeVos by the the 5 Democratic Congresspersonsregarding a planned investigation of a complaintfiled by Yukong Zhao ofAACE ( As AmCoalition on Education)against Harvard. S. B. stated that the purpose of passing the following motion was 2-fold. A) So that the Boards of PAC and EF will be on the same page, and B) So that all Board members will be on the same page.

Woo proposed the following talking points. a) We would love an investigation by the DOJ, because there are so many UGLY facts that NO ONE has disputed, including the offices of the 8 Ivy college presidents,

b) However, we agree with the 5 Dems that we hope that it is not to reverse the emphasis of diversity, whether racial or socio-economic. REMEMBER that our position is NOT identical with that of Blum and/or AACE.

c) Give the background info on 80-20 Initiative: by far the the largest …, ; non-partisan but in the past has either endorsed or “endorsed with reservation” Dem presidential candidates since 2000. But on this issue of college admissions, we are truly unhappy with the Dem party for completely ignoring the UGLY facts on discrimination agains AsAm youth. If the Dems. don’t change, we may go the other way in the next presidential election and in the 2018 mid-year elections.

The above was approved unanimously by all Board Members present, without a single dissenting or abstaining vote.

The conference call was adjourned at 9:10 pm EDT

Respectfully submitted by S. B. Woo in the absence of Alice Huang, who is the Secretary of 80-20 Educational Foundation