Follow Up to the Letter to the RNC and DNC

Dear Joel, Officers and Members of 80-20 PAC,

Thank you for co-signing the attached open letter to chairs of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Republican National Committee (RNC). As today, a total of nineteen Texas and eight national organizations have co-signed the letter. Two of these organizations are headquartered in Austin, three are based in the DFW area and two in San Antonio. The Chinese translation of the open letter has also been published in the Southern Chinese Daily News last Sunday, April 12,, which is also included at the end of this email.

The letter has also been forwarded to a few selected congressional members including Congresswoman Judy Chu, the chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC). Some of them responded already. Here is a statement that we received from Senator John Cornyn’s office on April 10,

Senator Cornyn unequivocally condemns racial discrimination and violence.  He is deeply proud of our state’s diversity and he values Asian Americans’ contributions to Texas communities and our nation as a whole.

We hope that you would encourage your members and friends to forward the attached open letter to their own congressional members in Texas. Please also remind them to urge their congressional member to issue a public statement condemning racial discrimination and violence and reconfirming their support of the Asian American community. A template of the letter to the congressional members is also attached for you to share with your members and friends living in Texas.

Several Houston Asian American organizations met yesterday and decided to launch an “Asian Americans/Community Salute Front Line Hero” program, which is similar to what United Chinese Americans (UCA) is doing at the national level. These statements from congressional members will be part of our positive image campaign. Your participation will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Unity is Power.

Steven Pei
Honorary Chair of the Board
United Chinese Americans


自從COVID-19病毒開始流行,種族主義和歧視性的言論在美國日益增多,對亞裔社區造成嚴重的威脅。聯邦調查局(FBI)已經提出警告,並且敦促在各地的聯邦調查局分局對此嚴加警惕。聯邦調查局最近的一項分析顯示,上個月在德州米德蘭 (Midland)發生的兇殺事件,兇嫌企圖殺害包括兩名年幼孩子在內的一家亞裔美國人,是因爲兇嫌以爲他們是「用冠狀病毒使人致病」的華人,這類暴力事件更為全美、尤其是德州的亞裔社區添加了許多焦慮。

正當全美亞裔正在日以繼夜地全力支援美國各地的抗疫工作,提供幫助給一線的醫務人員、急救人員、老年人,和無家可歸人士的時候,德州第二十二國會選區的候選人凱瑟琳·沃爾,居然在競選視頻廣告中把受到各界一致譴責,而且已經被束之高閣的「Chinese Virus」說法再次提出來。這一個廣告在電視和YouTube上傳播,嚴重危害了大休斯敦亞裔社區的安全。休斯敦和德州各地的20個亞裔團體忍無可忍,在6個全國性亞裔團體的支持下,於47日聯名發表公開信致共和黨全國委員會主席羅納·麥克丹尼爾 (Ronna McDaniel)和民主黨全國委員會主席湯姆·佩雷斯(Tom Perez),呼籲民主和共和兩黨要求所有的官員和候選人不要再以疫情為題,博人眼球,打種族牌,製造矛盾。





休斯敦華人參政的前輩,前共和黨州議員黃朱慧愛(Martha Wong)也來信表示「德州亞裔共和黨俱樂部 (TARC) 會獨立發信給這些違規者 (offenders)。」

民主黨州議員吳元(Gene Wu)之在接受記者訪問時指出,「在過去的兩周內,我幾乎每天都馬不停蹄地在把個人防護設備,防護口罩,防護服送給休斯敦急需的單位。 我經手的設備99%來自亞裔和華人團體。 他們特別對我說,他們這樣做的部分目的是爲了抗議針對亞洲社區的不公平言論,說我們不夠美國人。」







在特朗普总统已经不再把COVID-19病毒叫作 “Chinese Virus”,并且强调要对亚裔社区提供完全保护之后,德州第二十二国会选区的共和党候选人凯瑟琳·沃尔不顾联邦调查局的警告和亚裔社区的强烈抗议,仍然在视頻广告上把COVID-19病毒称之为 “Chinese Virus”






白先慎, 美国华人联合会荣誉主席

H.C. Chang, 美华协会 (OCA) 大休斯顿地区分会会长

孙盈盈, 休斯敦华裔联盟主席


參加公開信連署的德州亞裔團體 (還有其他的組織在陸續加入)

Asian Chamber of Commerce (ACC)

Asian Culture and Education Society USA – Dallas

Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA) – Houston

Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA) – Texas

Association of Chinese Professionals Foundation DFW (ACP Foundation)
– Dallas/Fort Worth

Chinese Community Center (CCC)

eMgage – TX

Fort Bend Chinese American Voters League

Greater San Antonio Chinese Chamber of Commerce – San Antoni

Greater San Antonio Society of Chinese Professionals – San Antonio

Houston Chinese Alliance (HCA)

Houston Asian American Political Action Committee (Houston 8020)

Houston Guangxi Association

Hu Bei Forks Association – Dallas

Join Chinese College Alumni Association (JCCAA)

OCA – Greater Houston

Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) – Texas Chapter

United Chinese Americans (UCA) – Houston

VN TeamWork, Inc.


80-20 Educational Foundation

80-20 National PAC

80-20 SuperPAC

Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA)

Asian American Unity Coalition (AAUC)
National Council of Chinese Americans (NCCA)

United Chinese Americans (UCA)

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